Govt Jobs in uttarakhand

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Department of Agriculture Tripura, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Job Notification: Department of Agriculture Tripura, Krishi Vigyan Kendra has invited applications for the Subject Matter Specialist and other posts. Interested candidates can apply for the Department of Agriculture Tripura Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 15 March 2020....

Nalgonda District Job Notification: Nalgonda District has invited applications for the Professor, Tutors and other (Government Medical College) posts. Interested candidates can apply for Nalgonda District Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 24 February 2020....

India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Job Notification: India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) has invited applications for the DGM, Manager, Assistant Manager, and other posts. Interested candidates can apply for India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 13 March 2020....

EXIM Bank Job Notification: EXIM Bank has invited applications for the Legal, Information Technology, Rajbhasha, and other posts. Interested applicants can apply for EXIM Bank Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 22 February 2020....

Sambalpur District Job Notification: Sambalpur District has invited applications for the Trained Graduate Teacher and other posts. Interested candidates can apply for Sambalpur District Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 16 March 2020....

Air India Limited Job Notification: Air India Limited has invited applications for the Operation Agent posts. Eligible applicants can attend a walk-in-interview on 04 March 2020. Air India Ltd. wishes to engage energetic Indian Nationals at Mumbai (Maharashtra), who meets with the requirements specified herein, for the post or Operation Agent on Fixed Term Contract (FTC) basis....

Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Job Notification: Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) has invited applications for the Project Technical Officer, Junior Nurse, and Data Entry Operator posts. Interested candidates can apply for the Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 22 February 2020....

West Bengal Police Job Notification: West Bengal Police has invited applications for the Cyber Crime Consultant (for North Bengal) posts. Interested candidates can apply for West Bengal Police Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 06 March 2020....

NRRMS AP Recruitment 2020: National Rural Recreation Mission Society (NRRMS) has invited applications for the recruitment of Computer Operator, Technical Assistant, District Project Officer, Accounts Officer, Data Manager, MIS Manager, MIS Assistant, Multi-Tasking Official, Computer Operator, Field Coordinator & Facilitators....

District Magistrate, Howrah Government of West Bengal Job Notification: District Magistrate, Howrah Government of West Bengal has invited applications for the Technical Assistant, Computer Assistant, and other posts. Interested candidates can apply for District Magistrate, Howrah Government of West Bengal Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 28 February 2020....