Govt Jobs in delhi
Balmer Lawrie Job Notification: Balmer Lawrie has invited applications for the Deputy Manager and Assistant Manager posts. Interested candidates can apply for Balmer Lawrie Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 27 January 2020....
KV Jalandhar Recruitment 2020: Kendriya Vidyalaya, No. 4, Jalandhar Cantt has invited applications for the post of PRT, TGT, PGT, Computer Instructor, Doctor, Nurse, Sports Coach, Yoga Teacher, Music Teacher, Dance Teacher, German Teacher, Counsellor, Art, and Craft Teacher and Aya on part-time/ contractual basis for the session 2020-21 Session for KVs of Jalandhar Cantt i.e. KV No. 1, 2, 3 & 4. Eligible candidates may apply for the posts on or before 15 February 2020....
Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University Job Notification: Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University has invited applications for the Professional Assistant, Junior Assistant and other posts. Interested applicants can apply for Kamla Nehru College, Delhi University Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 15 February 2020....
National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala Job Notification: National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala has invited applications for the Assistant Professor Grade I and Grade II posts. Interested applicants can apply for the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 25 February 2020....
ARIAS Society Job Notification: ARIAS Society has invited applications for the Training, Expert, Dist Horticulture Coordinator, Account Manager, and other posts. Eligible applicants can attend a walk-in-interview on 10 to 17 February 2020....
ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (VNMKV) Job Notification: ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (VNMKV) has invited applications for the Junior Engineer, Accountant Asst, Office Asst, Computer Operator, Field Assistant posts. Applicants who have not applied yet for ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth (VNMKV) Recruitment 2020 can submit their offline applications on or before 06 February 2020....
All Indian Institute of Speech Hearing (AIISH) Mysore Job Notification: All Indian Institute of Speech Hearing (AIISH) Mysore has invited applications for the Junior Assistant Professor, Hostel Superintendent, and other posts. Applicants who have not applied yet for All Indian Institute of Speech Hearing (AIISH) Mysore Recruitment 2020 can submit their offline applications on or before 10 February 2020....
UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited (UTIITSL) Job Notification: UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited (UTIITSL) has invited applications for the Vice President-Legal post. Interested applicants can apply for UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited (UTIITSL) Recruitment 2020 through the prescribed format on or before 14 February 2020....
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal (AIIMS Bhopal) Job Notification: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal (AIIMS Bhopal) has invited applications for the Farm Assistant Professor posts. Applicants who have not applied yet for All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal (AIIMS Bhopal) Recruitment 2020 can submit their offline applications on or before 07 February 2020....
All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur (AIIMS Raipur) Job Notification: All India Institute of Medical Sciences Raipur (AIIMS Raipur) has invited applications for the Senior Resident posts. Eligible applicants can attend a walk-in-interview on 29 February 2020....