THDC India Limited Recruitment 2020, Apply for 30 Apprentice Posts

Important Date:
- Start Date of Submission of application: 04 March 2020
- Closing Date of Submission of application: 13 March 2020
Keonjhar District Tribal Language Teacher Vacancy Details
- Apprentice Food and Beverage Service (AFBS) (Stewardship): 02 Posts
- Apprentice Food Production (AFP): 02 Posts
- Carpenter: 01 Post
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA): 05 Posts
- Electrician: 05 Posts
- Electronics Mechanic: 02 Posts
- Fitter: 03 Posts
- Mechanic (Motor Vehicles): 02 Posts
- Mechanic: 01 Post
- Stenographer (Hindi): 05 Posts
- Wireman: 02 Posts
Eligibility Criteria for Tribal Language Teacher Job
Educational Qualification:
- Apprentice Food and Beverage Service (AFBS): Class High School/10th pass exam under 10+2 system or its equivalent and broad-based basic training in Hospitality sector under the centre of Excellency scheme in food and beverage service (stewardship).
- Apprentice Food Production (AFP): Class High School/10th pass exam under 10+2 system and broad-based basic training in Hospitality Sector under Centre of Excellency scheme and advanced module of Centre of Excellence scheme in FP (Food Production cookery).
- Carpenter: Passed class 8th or it is equivalent and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA): Passed in High school examination and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Electrician: Passed class 10th (High School) examination under 10+2 system with science as one of the subject and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Electronics Mechanic: Passed class High School examination under 10+2 system in mathematics and physics, chemistry or its equivalent and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Fitter: Passed class 10th (High School) examination under 10+2 system or its equivalent and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Mechanic (Motor Vehicles): Passed class High School examination or it is equivalent and ITI examination (Regular) in respective trade.
- Mechanic: Passed class 10th examination and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
- Stenographer (Hindi): Passed class 12th examination under 10+2 system and ITI examination (Regular) in respective trade.
- Wireman: Passed class 8th or it is equivalent and ITI examination (regular) in respective trade.
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