Balangir District Recruitment 2020 for 190 Part-Time Instructor Posts

Important Date:
- Closing Date of Offline Application: 31 January 2020
Balangir District Part-Time Instructor Vacancy Details
- Physical Education Instructor (PEI): 21 Posts
- Art Education Instructor (AEI): 169 Posts
Eligibility Criteria for Part-Time Instructor Job
Educational Qualification and Age Limit:
- Physical Education Instructor (PEI): +2 with CPED/Degree or Post Graduate Degree in Professional Qualification. Person higher qualification in physical education BPED or MPED shall be eligible for the post of Physical Education Instructor (PEI). The certificate issued with ID card by sports and YS Department Government of Odisha in recognition of their achievement in Sports shall be considered. Age Limit: As on 31 December 2019 Age between 18 years to 42 years.
- Art Education Instructor (AEI): Bachelor with BFA & BVA for the pass out students belonging to Visual Art and BMUS for pass out students belonging to performing Art (the ratio of visual Art end performing Art shall be 50:50). Physical candidates (Ortho/Deaf/VI) shall be applied for the post. The BFA and BVA Arts Degree from B.K. College of Art and crafts, Bhubaneswar, Govt. College of Art and Crafts, Khalikote and Private Colleges of the State recognized by the state universities shall be considered as one of the eligibility criteria for engagement of Art Education Instructor (Visual Art). Age Limit: As on 31 December 2019 Age between 18 years to 42 years.
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